Got Your Morning Coffee?

…so you can pull a seat up and sit a spell.

Welcome Back… Me

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So… got your morning coffee? Good, let’s chat.
Wow, it’s been a long time since my last post. I’ve missed sharing my thoughts, as well as reading what others have on their minds. Truth is, I’ve been under the weather and have been struggling with some family issues.
I don’t want to go into too much detail and bore everyone, but come January will make it a year that I started having symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Of course there are a lot of other diseases, etc, whose symptoms mimic MS, and thus the doctor has to do many different tests to rule those options out. I’m happy to say all tests were negative. So that leaves the results for the MS tests, right?
Well, from what I understand, optic neurosis is usually one of the first signs of MS, which I had experienced. This can take the form of blurred vision, double vision, loss of vision or any other vision problems in one or both eyes. Everyone’s different; therefore no two people have the exact same symptoms. My doctor saw nothing in my eyes. I had an MRI of my brain and C-Spine, other than a few flakes of saw dust in my brain, no lesions were found.
While I continue to have symptoms of MS, some constant, some infrequently, as well as having signs of “flair ups,” or relapsed episodes of many of my symptoms, it has been determined I do not have MS. While this is good news, and I trust my doctor tremendously, I have my doubts that it’s anything other than MS. I’m told I have “Conversion Disorder.” This is when traumatic emotional things happens in your life, and in turn, since the individual doesn’t know how to deal with it properly their body “converts” emotional problems into physical symptoms. Weird, huh?
So yes, I’ve had some emotional things happening in my life over the past year, including my father’s passing a couple of months ago. Two weeks after his passing all my symptoms reappeared again (keep in mind I still had a few that had lingered all along). The lingering symptoms can, in no way, be connected with emotions, their more neurological.
If you have MS, can you please answer two questions for me?

1) Do you go periods of time without having cramps or any pains whatsoever?
2) Heat is a no, no for MS’ers because it makes me feel ________________?

Anyway, it’s great seeing y’all again; and it’s great seeing my new visitors as well.

Until next time,
Y’all take care now, ya hear?

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